Type 8

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The eight’s image of reality

Reality exists now, and is its own definition. It exists in and of itself, an entire entity, with no divisions. It should be understood without preconceptions about what it should be like, and should be viewed fresh. Reality is nondual, reality is all that exists, and all that exists is reality.

The inevitable disillusionment with this idea during childhood results in an overcompensatory attempt to reinstate contact with this sense of reality, resulting in overdoing contact with it characterized by lust. Lust dominates experiences, it does not let them flow according to their natural course. Eights become domineering and excessive until they come into contact with a sense of reality or truth.

The affective components of lust include, but are not limited to: dominance, rebellion, insensitivity, arrogance, and bluntness. Lust’s volition suggests eliminating what is arbitrary in favor of what is true and real.

The fixation becomes, then, on eliminating arbitrariness and preconceptions which might give others the edge over them, to bring things back to the real where they have a natural sensorimotor edge and higher pain tolerance. The trap leading to this fixation is justice, perceiving the world as unjust & against them and desiring justice as compensation - having all things on the table. Their attention turns to rediscovering truth and reality in a world of lies.

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