9's fixes

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9-7: hakuna matata - no worries, take it easy. this is a carefree and potentially rebellious 9 (if w8), the focus is on escaping what gets you down, what makes you hurt; to accomplish this, there is a philosophy of “slipping into the stream”, and “taking what life gives you”, “from lemons make lemonade.” this is the 9 of positive, let-live, feel-goodsy aphorisms - and this is also the 9 who doesn’t take things seriously, downplays problems until they consume them, an ouroboros snake. has a slyly self-interested, overly idealistic streak; they are also prone to making situations lighter, less important/standout, or more comfortable until the other person resigns their interest, and their circumstances end up serving them. if 9w1 they can have a quick, light, harmless, elfish charm...w8 makes them more mischievous and prone to conning.

9-6 [esp. 9w1]: a support-oriented king of conflict-avoidance. noticeably test others by downplaying the self. emphasizes conflict-management and prevention. adaptive, takes on the thoughts and viewpoints of others. conflicts reopen wounds of insecurity, the 9 tends to blame themselves first and foremost for problems without considering the faults of others, these have psychic repercussions later. leans into, and overdoes, humility as a way of maintaining and securing connections. likes everyone to “be on the same page” or at the very least “agree to disagree” to minimize anxiety. needs continual reassurance that “everything is ok between us” and there is no conflict. unusually, they tend to be aware of their inattentive and unassuming nature and how it might lead to discord. Has a relatable everyman flavor which can lead to their manipulation. does their best to maintain open-mindedness: that great preserver of the status quo.

9-6 [esp. 9w8]: has a slightly combative attitude and presentation which can be initially off-putting until the soft underbelly is exposed. blends an instinctive and analytical awareness of their surroundings which can lead to being very predictive. leaks anger at opportune times.

9-5 [esp. 9w1]: has a very soft, subtle, and ghost-like presence - or at least a dry, undifferentiated one. waves so calm as if to hide under ripples. boundaries are yielded when in the presence of others, but existence is modal: this 9 has different ‘outfits’ which are all perceived as being under the umbrella of a singular identity. a greater need for peace and alone time - these are the withdrawn 9s, the “bedbugs”. they adapt to others but live for their space and personal freedoms, the exploration of their inner sanctum. this can cause them to be quite avoidant but not obviously so, like Schrodinger’s cat: as soon as they’re seen, they have a definite state (e.g. “receptive” or “dull grey rock”). if harmony, the pursuit of which is common to all 9s, can be perceived principally as spiritual and in a sense immaterial - based more on the inexistence of things than the inverse, then for 9-5 a further distinction would be a spatio-temporal component (i.e. harmony now has semi-tangible parameters), as “harmony” and “avarice” [“yielding everything” and “grasping everything”], combine into existence at the lowest possible level of reality, a satisfaction with the bare minimum, “undercurrent.” for 9’s rejection fixes, 9-2 and 9-5, instead of merely a focus on “a lack of things which would cause conflict”, there is also the intentional giving of “something which would prevent it.” so 9-5 would give intellectual contributions (advice or theories) in order to protect their inner sanctums.

9-5 [esp. 9w8]: has a more apathetic, lethargic, and disengaged presence with occasional non-committal but astute comments. tend to be rather geeky in their presentation and/or interests, as opposed to nerdy (9w1). can feel extremely stagnant and inert, unmovable, resistant, very detached.

9-4 [esp. 9w1]: “harmonics”, “acoustics”, “dynamics”: a sensitivity to, and intuition for these things, literally and figuratively. in the holistic, components participate in some primitive and essential dance. people communicate, emotions and gestures interact and produce a message. music plays, consonance and dissonance, textures and intensities combine into a flow, a hum. this understanding comes from the incessant tuning of an inner antenna to correspond to the signals from outside the self. harmony to this 9 is akin to sensitivity, a lack of distortion. a synesthetic vision and a watercolor approach. reincorporates an introspective component. sensitive to metaphors and musical expressions.

9-4 [esp. 9w8]: slightly inaccessible upon first encounter, may have a relatively refined aesthetic which makes them seem blocked-off or unavailable. yet, if you manage to resonate with them you will quickly learn of the true depths of their receptivity, a cavern of calm and resonance, the big blue sea.

9-3: this combination can be difficult to distinguish, due to an excessive adaptation to external values and circumstances. 9-3 can have a very challenging time figuring out who they are and what they want "underneath the mask," which is true of all 9s to some degree, but this feeling intensifies when they are alone unlike all others except 9-6. the difference between 9-3 and 9-6 is that the latter actually feels neurosis about this discrepancy, whereas the 9-3 just kinda resigns to the inner blankness and continues to run the .exe. they are drawn to the strongest forces in a room in order to get in contact with their latent energy, dismissing subtleties and undercurrents which they pick up on but can distract them unless they distance themselves. these people can reduce themselves to their routines and work unless preventive measures are taken. it's easy to mobilize when serving the program, and very difficult when it's your wishes that action is called for. oftentimes seem very bland, and are usually aware of this...instead of dealing with it they focus their efforts on pragmatism and developing competence, or finding ways to further adapt to others/the situation at hand.

9-2: this combination is fundamentally others-oriented, with an emphasis on maintaining contact without the existence of conflict. this 9 slowly and subtly establishes warm and open-hearted relationships to maintain a sense of harmony and "all going well"; their means of doing so is the age-old tactic of letting you fill the space with sincere positive reinforcements. it is important that these relationships are marked by receptivity, kindness, and a certain degree of obsequience. has a distinguished preference for the mellow, positive, and optimistic...pretty pastels and sunrise colors, sunlight filtering through windows. gives their service and usually takes on a supporting role or finds a way to be useful, without picking anything too flashy. usually very friendly and open to the influences of others. of course, still has that unassuming 9-vibe. finds commonalities between the self and others very easily and expands upon them to build rapport. drawn to the classic manifestation of their instinct's love preference: storgic (sp), erotic (sx), or philiac (so)...as if they were permitted access to the procedures and conflict-avoidance guides for each. prone to sourcing their identity entirely from the constraints of these relationships. puts a lot of emphasis on not being selfish, and on forgiveness. also has a weird tendency to drop hints about what they want while adamantly denying it, their own brand of doublethink.