Fixes guide

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1xx = Rigidity of physical form or principle, prickly, awkward tension, overly intentional and deliberate action with a moralistic component, critical observation and resultant anger, good advice givers when not angry but always with a tendency to 'preach'

x1x = rigid/judgy, critical, perfectionistic/"principled"

xx1 = unspontaneous

2xx = Attentiveness, condescension when the other party is independent, sympathy when dependent, warm and inviting yet difficult to really get to know, sometimes gives you "gifts" which you never asked for, plays sociable [hyper-adult / childish] characters (histrionic)

x2x = seductive/sexy/helpful/ingratiating/generous

xx2 = useful/available

3xx = Opportunistic glint in the eye (but deceitful like Mr. Monopoly, not charming like 7), polished, competitive and driven, "see how well I function?", almost always succeeds due to a seemingly limitless self-confidence and social prowess, constantly gears their efforts towards a clear objective, finds it hard to "chill out" without proving themselves or having some goal

x3x = goal-oriented, confident, go-getter

xx3 = polished/adaptive

4xx = Eyes scan for slights, eyes are deep and sad with a tinge of arrogance (or vice versa in the case of sx-dom: arrogant with a tinge of deep and sad), forms lots of artistic and emotional associations at the cost of mood, almost always emphasizes or references personal preference if they decide to speak, sensitive "I need to walk on eggshells" vibe

x4x = moody, temperamental, affected

xx4 = personal

5xx = Elusive, "who pushed the mute button on this thing?", reveals themselves in 'boxes' or 'compartments', there is a sense not all of them is there, "I don't know you very well outside X", geeky and/or detached to the point where they don't seem physically present, makes strange observations ("how tf do you know that?", "on what evidence do you make that claim?"), finds it more difficult or draining to "jump in" than other types, has different 'modes'

x5x = detached, heady, obsessive

xx5 = elaborating/intellectualizing

6xx = Eyes scan for threats, fall somewhere on the [excessively docile-------excessively skeptical] spectrum, have their knickers in a twist about those who have the potential power or incentive to harm them (re:both which persons and possible actions), seek dependence and independence concurrently, spend a lot of time working out contingencies mentally (as if asking themselves "what (to do) if X happens...?")

x6x = loyal/skeptical, alert, "sourcing" or referencing others

xx6 = questioning/doubting

7xx = Eyes have an opportunistic twinkle which lightens the mood: 'charming' if 7w6 or 'confident-and-spicy' if 7w8, energetic / forceful, uses humor and social skills to attempt to lighten the mood, quick pace, "dreamer" - has big and often ridiculous or impossible dreams which they somehow believe in

x7x = playful, energetic, witty

xx7 = open-minded

8xx = Has an intimidating degree of physical groundedness, eyes and personality are hardened with occasional pockets of warm vulnerability, "take-all-you-can-get" philosophy, protective and possessive, bites back but harder, has a charm like a tiger (we have friendly relations right now but this thing will chew my head off the first chance it gets)

x8x = bold, direct, brash

xx8 = uninhibited

9xx = Has a sleepy and chill reserve, frustrating because they forget or ignore priorities, deny reality in favor of idealizations, life is continually put on hold, expresses anger like a diluted version of their wing type, often doesn't consider consequences of long-term decisions even when brought to their attention by others, "this is fine"

x9x = idealistic, sleepy, relaxed

xx9 = easygoing